Monday, February 25, 2008

alt aber schön

leute, leute, leute…
hab da gestern mal ganz deluxe einen netten Spaziergang mit meinem Pastor um den Main gemacht. Sehen und gesehen werden ist das Schlagwort. Hier in FFM läuft das etwas anders. (Und man selber auch) Man muss sich ja bekannt machen. 

Nun, um schnell  zu den High-Lights zu kommen. Der Kosovo hat sich bei uns bedankt. Also bei mir ehe, da ich ja aus FFM jetzt bin. Als Beweis hab ich auch dieses nette Beweisfoto. 
Norbert guckt so seltsam, weil er... Fragt Ihn... ;)

Ich hab auch noch einen blutroten Mond gesehen. Da bis jetzt noch kein Kampf zwischen China, USA, Russland und Lichtenstein um dem Mond ausgebrochen ist denke ich, gehört das zu den Naturphänomenen die sich durch Lichtbrechung und Atmosphäre erklären lässt.

So, ich muss mich den häuslichen Pflichten beugen und den Flur wischen. Ich denke ich mach mir besser vorher ein Bier auf sonst halte ich das nicht aus. :D

stay connected.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

chaos und organisation

Nun ist es passiert. Ich habe mir die PS3 gekauft. Dies aber auch nur aus organisatorischen Gründen. Da ich von Donnerstag bis Freitag in Österreich sein werde und dann nicht die Zeit habe die PS3 dann zu kaufen musste es jetzt sein. Ausserdem hatte ich gestern eh nichts besseres vor. 
War erst um 8 Uhr morgens aus einem House-Electro Schuppen gekommen. Ich wäre eigentlich schon früher nach hause gefahren. Aber da mein Fahrer länger bleiben wollte, musste ich mich dem anpassen. Und ich hatte keine Ahnung wo in Offenbach wir uns befanden. 

Wie dem auch sei, ich muss mal gucken, dass ich am Mittwoch umziehe. Oder erst am Samstag. Dann würde ich aber meine Klamotten bei Dudi unterbringen müssen. Meine Vermieterin hat ab dem 01.03 schon jemand andren ins Zimmer gesetzt. Tja, so schnell kann es gehen.

Gestern war ich noch bei Leuten aus Dudi`s Gemeinde. WG-Mexikanischer-Abend. Nur das Chili fehlte. Aber sehr nett. War der einzig nicht studierte/studierende. Ein Fremdkörper in der Umgebung von Gebildeten. (Die besten Witze mach immer noch ich!)
Wir hatten aber ne Menge Spass. 

So, ich werd gleich mal los und mich mit dem Norbbi unter Leute mischen. Momentan 10 Grad bei Sonnenschein (übern Smog natürlich).

stay connected!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

got a new blog-language

I found a way to translate my page. So I can continue writing in german and everybody who wants to read this in english just need to use the little google-button. If you shouldn`t understand anything, feel free to ask at the "comment" area. Here is the Button:
You will allways find this Button on the right upper side.

So, ich habe eine Wohnung. Ich war gestern Abend noch bei Wolfgang, dessen Inserat ich über eine Website für WG`s gefunden habe. Hier sind direkt mal zwei Bilder von dem Raum. Es ist alles sehr einfach, aber der Preis stimmt auch. Und da ich eh nur vorhabe 5 Monate da zu Wohnen, wird das schon passen. Hier zwei Bilder:
Links von mir ist dir Tür.

Hinter mir ist das Fenster.

Ich werde Euch neue Bilder schicken sobald ich eingezogen bin (ca. 28.02.2008) und der Raum meinen Charm erhalten hat... 

Und heute war ich nach der Arbeit noch kurz mit Rapha unterwegs. Er hatte mir zuerst eines unserer Rechenzentren gezeigt und ist dann noch kurz mir mir in einen Musikladen um die Ecke gefahren weil er da nach einem bestimmten Drum-Ding gucken wollte. Und dabei ist dieses Bild entstanden:
Mal ein Schlagzeug was zu meiner Größe passt…

stay connected!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

If you don`t have a car and if you don`t have a house…

That`s it. My dream of a different and better life collapse. FFM suck`s and I`ll go back to the Ruhrpott... I didn`t got the flat I wanted... 
Hm... maybe I should buy myself this car:

And I´ll life in there. Actually there is enought space on that loading area... For me and my funitures.

I`ll keep searching for a flat. So rock on...

stay connected!

Monday, February 18, 2008

let`s fetz

Yesterday was planed just to sit on my dumb ass and playing Battlefiled1942. Killing other people virtuall is the best you can do to get some brain-holiday. Anyways, what happend?
Got a calll from Nobert if I want to go to a service where he is going to  preach. It was a special service. First of all in Bavaria and second of all it was in a Club. So I changed and went to Norbert because visiting Bavaria and making stupid jokes about there kind of speaking germany is fun. :D 
On the way to him (10min by feet) a lot of guys, blowing the horn, drove by. Here`s a picture, then you`ll understand:
Actually I ask myself who declare the independence if they are here? :D

Ok, when Norbert and I wanted to start we had to change the car, because Norbert`s car didn`t started. So we took my car. I didn`t knew that my car can drive more than 130km/h. Amazing… At the end we arrived just in time to that service. And it was a funny service. It reminded me of my times at Ten Sing. The music were made by 14 til 20 years old people and they where quite shy at the stage. But Norbert made a greate seremon. Here a picture for all that guys who ask themsels: "Wtf is Norbert???":
Great picture, isn`t it?

So, Norbert and I finished this evening with a pizza, a beer and watching pictures about his trip to the pope/Rom. He allmost had a audience with the pope. 

Year, I have important friends... :D

Today I didn`t got a call or a mail because of the flat I saw on saturday. That`s bad. Because I realy wanted this flat. So I think I got to search for another one. :(

stay connected.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

found what I want

I found a flat... Problem: I need to get it... Actually it`s expensive, but when I came in I felt comfortable. So on monday evening I`ll know if I`ll get the flat in FFM Bockenheim or not. Theresa told me, that maybe I can her room till middel of march… So I`m not that under pressure to find something. And on the other hand, FFM has nice bridges. ;) 

Yesterday I went with DuDi on the marrige of the preacher of her christian-comunity. This was realy fun. I meet a lot of people and I won`t remember all their names. 
But I drove my little car after 3 weeks again. I didn`t thought I would drive without any problems... But it did. I love this little… "thing"… 

stay connected!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

missing nagilah

orgh... got one more. Just wanted to tell you how much I´m missing my nagilah (shisha in arabic). Have one over here but it`s the one of my sister and my one is better... ;) of cause… 
Ha, and I just used the first time the "three dod`s" function at my macbook. One hit, and three dots coming. Perfect… :D

And don`t forget to check this out: klickme

stay connected!

Friday, February 15, 2008

got some new photos for ya

Just saw some photos of the new rooms of my company today. So I thougt I upload some pics of my actual workplace. Here it is. The second photo is the continuance of the first on. It`s allmost a round-view trough my room.

I had a meeting with my Boss. I mean the Head of the company. He`ll just invite me to know a bit and to see if I`m doing well at the company. It`s good to know that these people, even just knowing me 3 weeks, trust me and want that I`ll feel fine. Of cause they`ll do it for the company, but they also do it for me and themself... If the workers feel good, the company feels good... ;)
Anyways, my point is, that I know that it was the right dessision to leave Essen and move to FFM.

When I came home I made a photo of the sky when I saw this plane... The condensation trail where glowing. You can`t see it on this photo like I saw it  but it looks amazing. Try to imagine.
Now weekend starts and I`m sitting with my sister in the kitchen. She talks with Jake from London via skype... Why all english-man are crazy?

Ayways, I hurt a nerve in my feet. Nothing special but this is one of the reasons why I`m not able going out. But tomorror will be party. I`ll be on a marriage. This will be fun. And I hope my feet will be ok till then.

stay connected!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

everydays life starts- what the heck

Hm, just 3 weeks ago I moved to FFM. And today it felt like that everyday life got me... This is a quite a clever illusion of my brain to myself. I should make it clear to my brain it don`t need to kinding me every two week. 
I made a new photo for you from one of the skyscraper with the top at the clouds while I was jogging...  a littlebit like New York. But the photo is wiggly. My mobile is to bad for photos at night. 
So, I keep working a littlebit. I have to finish a task and this bother me that I didn`t found the solution till now. My persistence for computer stuff is back. HACK DA PLANET!!! ;) (please don`t tell the BND I`m dangerous to germany)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

break into a flat

Yesterday was a crazy day. Strange things happens. First I bought myself new shoes. So now I know where to find a SkaterShop in FFM. The shoes I wanted they just had some numbers to big. So I took different one and dealed a lower price. Yeahr... This is how it should be... I love business like that :D

After that I went for jogging again... I think since I jogged the first time six days ago my legs hurts... does it stops at anytime when I continue jogging... Realy important questions... ;)
So when I came back my neighbour 2 floors lower just tried to break into her flat. And I had nothing better to do. So I tried to help her. It wasn´t working... The locksmith had to open it and at that time we saw that she locked the door. 
Anyways... I think we had a nice evening infront of her flat... 
As long as it wasn`t boring... :D

So today I allready was able to do something more at work. And maybe I`ll found a flat. It`s in the south of FFM. I`ll see it at saturday. It`s not furnished but it has other advantages. There was also a comunity of two girls (20 and 21) whitch need a 3rd person... But I don`t think that it would be a good idea. :D

stay connected!

Monday, February 11, 2008

room from 1960

I went to Roedelheim today to watch a furnished room. Wow, I can tell you, that was like a jurney to the past. The renter is a nice guy. And the room has TV and Internet. But alll the furniture was from the 60`s. This won`t work. Specially for 380 € per month. Maybe I should buy myself a VW-Van and life inside this van. Taking a shower I`ll do on my sisters place and that`s it. I could be everaywhere and nowhere at the same time :D.

It`s annoying that I just started at feburary to work at that company. At the weekend they need a man in NYC and no one of the others want`s to go there... I can`t understand. Even if you have to work the hole time on and just gets half a day of... why not. Just getting out of the same shit everyday should be worth it... I don`t have the same shit everyday till now because everything is new... 

brrrrr... I don`t understand.

stay connected!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

the best ever

Yesterday I did the best what men can do at a weekend. Ijust stayed at home, played computer and where talking with a friend by skype. I didn`t left the flat. I didn`t wear regular trouser (I wear a jogging trouser). I didn`t cared about anything. I didn`t had to cook (that is one of the preferences of female-flat-mates). I just drunk coffe and beer. A perfect saturday.

Ah, and I decided to buy myself a PS3 in march or april. 

Year. I just want to go jogging... Maybe I`ll write at the evening again.

stay connected!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

do you still search or do you allready have one?

I think my mattress is broken. I wake up every morning with a aching back. Maybe that`s the reason why I woke up after 6h of sleep. 
Anyways, searching for a room in FFM is just something for professional room-searcher. It`s horrible. Just found one, 2 woman, 20 qm, 390€, furnished, FFM Nordend… allmost perfect. But Simone said, that`s the woman who is semingly responsible for renting that room, they want someone who will stay more than 6 month. Argh... that suck`s. 

Maybe I´ll find a nice place under a bridge...

keep searching!

Friday, February 8, 2008

jogging for weekend

Weeeeeeekend!!! Don`t know what to do at the weekend, but it feels good... Started the weekend with jogging at the Main. I set my arlarmclock at my mobilephone to ring in 15min and start jogging. After 19 min I recongnized that I set the arlarm on 15 h not 15 min... So I started jogging back... I think I`ll have muscle ache tomorrow.
But I made a photo for you. It feels great to jog infront of such a scenery.

Year, whatever happend... the essential is that FFM looks great at night. ;) 

stay connected!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

high security and spontanous visit

Today I was inside a building which fulfil the qualifications of the NATO standards of a data center. You can place a plane on it or a napalm-bomb... all the servers still guarantee a 99,9% availability of service.
Actually I think there could be services which are really important for a company or a goverment. Even for a society of a country. But is seems inhuman, when next to this "bunker" are some nice and high offices with the logo of the company. 

Anyways, I`m starting getting into that job. I allready started working and documenting. I love it to document what stuff I need to learn. So that the company gets an idea what the next new guy needs to learn when he starts... If there`ll be one... I don`t know.
Year... Next week I`ll learn how to make a quality- and limit-test for the Internetportal of a bank.

Just by chance some friends, which I know from the JesusFreaks, visited Norbert and he called me. Norbert isn`t on this pic but I`ll upload one as soon I have one.

So we went to a Bar and had a good time. It was great to see them and I think that people more often came allong FFM than Essen. So maybe I`ll also get some "by chance visit`s". (The guy on the left is flo and where new to me)

Year. And tomorrow I`ll have my fist week at work done. 

stay connected.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

one week later

Summery after one week in FFM:
  1. still non-smoker
  2. got a room and searching for a flat (bad conditions)
  3. crazy housemates. But nice ones.
  4. quite a cool job but didn`t got into it allready
  5. didn`t found a christian comunity but there are a lot left to check
  6. i got a pencil and a writing pad for free
This looks quite good. I just have to check the 2nd point... This has to work till the first of march. But I`m hopefull.
Ok, anything else? Yes... Today my boss told me that the company will pay my Internet. I love to be computer-profession. Actually I think that the rock bottom is over at IT-Business and guys like me have good chances again. 

I`ll gonna chill befor I got to the MolokoBar tonight.

stay connected!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

better pic of my room

A friend asked for a better pic... This is also more realistic because of the higher degree of chaos. 

And a pic from the other side of the room.

Monday, February 4, 2008

what beer can do to women

Ok... got my second day over. Nothing special happens. Was a bit boring because I couldn`t do a lot. But I found out that we just get on three of five days warm food at lunch. That suck`s. Today there were just bread... :D

But now I tell you what happend to women when they learned the hole day and than drink one beer. They starting to goofing around. And at that point you`re not happy anymore that you are in a girls-living-community as the only male human being.

I`ll meet my preacher today. I need to drink my last-beer-of-the-day somewhere outside. 

Ah, and I just opend the "comment" function for everybody. None has to login anymore. Enjoy.

stay connected!

back and empty

The first day was quite good. Of cause, you have the nothing-to-do-houres... But they helped me finding into the job. They have breakfast and lunch and I can drink Cola as much as I want to. This is nice, but not good. ;) Coffe and tee, of cause for free... (Man, that`s a rhyme... The rhyme is good...) 
But I think that when I know what I have to do and when the company moved to the new building this might be the right workplace for me for the next 5 years...  But of cause this is just one of my first impression. 

Anyways... here a good advice for everybody who rent a room for a short time and the hirer let`s his stuff inside. 


This realy can be a pain in the ass at 5:30am... especial when you don`t know where it is and you don`t know how to switch it off while dozing...

Here`s a pic of that little monster!!

stay connected...

to early?

8am isn`t to early. But if you`re not used to it is. ..
Thank`s for the wishes by SMS.  
I got to go in 10 min. I`m really excited... 

Sunday, February 3, 2008

last night on holiday

Tomorrow my first day starts. I`m really looking forward and I hope I can sleep tonight. Just have to wakeup at 8 o`clock in the morning. 
Annyways, I got my room now and arranged everything. Actually I didn`t had so much to do. Here is a photo of my first room in FFM.
My bed is under the poster on the right side... And the door is in my back.

I`ll go to bed. 

Pizza and Radeberger

I checked the pizzeria. It is really good one but there was missing anything. It wasn`t a "WOOOOWW... INCREDIBLE..." one. But there is this other pizzeria on the other side of the street... And there is the rumor, that these two pizzerias split Frankfurt in two parts... 

Anyways, next time when I`ll take a pizza I`ll check the other side of the town.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

just the other day

yesterday I found out, that you don`t find a small diner in Frankfurt City. Except of McDonalds and Burger King. But there are a lot of small bars with a danceingfloor in the basement. 
The one we went to were some of these. It wasn`t a great evening. To less people and the most of them were quite to young. Kindergarten-Disco... But beer helps. And I also smoked two cigarettes. 
I`m so proud of me... I still don`t smoke. 

So today I just went outside for having a walk at the Main. I met Norbert and he showed me Sachsenhausen and gave me some advice how and where I can find a great flat. Later he`ll show me the best pizzeria ever. He said... I`ll verify this and write you if this is true... So maybe later I get a new argument why you should visit Frankfurt.

Ah, and for everybody who don`t belive that I`m in FFM here picture of FFM with me from today... :D

(I look stupid... It was hard to look that stupid. Houres of training)

stay connected!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Prayer`n Party

Last Night I went with Annette to a Service at the YMCA. There was a really good sermon. What`s God`s plan for your life as a beliving christian and how you can hear him. And the preacher was one of the some people I meet in life who talks colloquial but also loigical. 

I met there a lot of peolpe. Annette introduced me to a lot of people. And I thought about a list where I write the people inside I met... I think it`s cool when you remember everybody by his name. I`ll do it. 

Tonight I`ll go to a Party at the "Nachtleben". I hope I keep beeing a non-smoker. Yesterday I wanted a cigarette... But I was strong... ;)

I think I didn`t arravied allready. It`s like holiday. It`s connected to the missing of a own room. And work just starts at Monday. On Saturday I`ll meet Norbert. A friend I know from Yuro and Anne. That will be fun... 

But I also looking forward to start working... hm... it`s really a long time ago, that I was looking forward to start working... I shouldn`t think so much about this... I could drive me crazzzzy... :D

On Sunday I can get the room. Than I can start beeing in FFM not as a tourist anymore.

Updates will follow. Enjoy.