First of all: This country is amazing and the people and the nature is in incredible.
Maybe because I`m german or even specialy because of it some things where strange for me. And sometimes it was difficult to figure out why I thought that something is strange for me.
Americans and Germans are realy close by the culture. Compared to Germany and Japan for exsample. I realy like the ideas of freedom and self-determination, even when there are some points where it wents to far in my opinion. Having a gun is some of these points.
I went shooting with two guys and it was exciting for me. It totaly stressed me out because I have such a respect of guns and what guns can do! Shooting friends in a computer game is totaly different. Killing a beer bottle (MGD) allready satisfy my "blood-thirst". It doesn`t matter as cool it sounds to wear a gun or how much stronger you feel if you carry one. I still think, specialy as a follower of jc, that it`s to dangerous. Humans are idiots. And I`m one of them!
But I like the different system how you meet girls and how the dating is working in USA. I think I`m to much into the german-way-of-dating, but the idea is nice. Quite expensive for a guy, that`s a dark-side of dating. But it`s in the first steps quite easy and you get to know the other much better before you`re a couple than in germany. There you have to make sure you`re not declared as a couple after the first face-to-face talk.
I was in two totaly different neighborhoods. The first was at Springs/Reno Nevada. All of the friends of my sister belongs to the social middle class, I guess. I could identify myself with these people and they were quite open and it felt like that they appreciate my way of beeing interessted in there life. And they where as american as germans "know them" by TV!
The other nighborhood where in Ashland Oregon. This was like Europe. Lot`s of Organic food, Ashland is one of two places worldwide where McDonalds has to close there store because no one went there. And almost the hole town is running and making sport! We went on a camping-tour and slept next to a little waterfall. It was so dark that you could see as much stars as you can see in the middle of Wales. Amazing.
I would love to go there again. I hope the americans get rid of there stupid ideas of trying to rescue the world and theire stupid security at the airports.

At this point I would like to offer you this website from a american, who writes about germans. You`ll love it!
Anyways, it`s a great country and there are great people. But my love Isreal the most.
stay connected and explore the world!
I just remember one big difference between Germany and USA. When I went with my sister on a streetcar we had to pay 2$ per person. And the pay-mashine took all money without giving return. They just say, it`s your problem when you don`t have the right money.
This never could happen in Germany. The Busdriver will stop the Bus and tries to get small money in a store to give you your money back. As long as you don`t try to pay with 200€.
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