Sunday, September 27, 2009

incoming germans IV

Just to let you know. I`m back in my lovely FFM. It just welcome me with a amazing sunrise. The Jetlag didn`t kickt me out of life. I just slept 30min, but it seems to be enougth. Maybe... The washing machine already is working.

And I already went to the election and did my duty as a good german citizen! Don`t forget!!!

So life goes on and I`m ready for new action!

stay connected!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Schön dass du heile wieder da bist Pipi! Ach und übrigens: Das was du da suchst sind wir. Und da wir weder in USA noch in FFM waren, warst und bist du natürlich rastlos und suchend....
Dem kann Abhilfe geleistet werden! Du weißt ja wo wir wohnen! Freuen uns! Die Japsenfrau