Friday, February 15, 2008

got some new photos for ya

Just saw some photos of the new rooms of my company today. So I thougt I upload some pics of my actual workplace. Here it is. The second photo is the continuance of the first on. It`s allmost a round-view trough my room.

I had a meeting with my Boss. I mean the Head of the company. He`ll just invite me to know a bit and to see if I`m doing well at the company. It`s good to know that these people, even just knowing me 3 weeks, trust me and want that I`ll feel fine. Of cause they`ll do it for the company, but they also do it for me and themself... If the workers feel good, the company feels good... ;)
Anyways, my point is, that I know that it was the right dessision to leave Essen and move to FFM.

When I came home I made a photo of the sky when I saw this plane... The condensation trail where glowing. You can`t see it on this photo like I saw it  but it looks amazing. Try to imagine.
Now weekend starts and I`m sitting with my sister in the kitchen. She talks with Jake from London via skype... Why all english-man are crazy?

Ayways, I hurt a nerve in my feet. Nothing special but this is one of the reasons why I`m not able going out. But tomorror will be party. I`ll be on a marriage. This will be fun. And I hope my feet will be ok till then.

stay connected!

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